dwell MSV


dwell MSV
Lower Chatham Street,
Manchester M1 5SX, United Kingdom

Gross Floor Area    28,182 sqm
Land Area                4,500 sqm

Enquiry Contact

Tel             +44 (0) 161 200 5540
Email        salesenquiries@dwellstudent.co.uk
Website    www.dwellstudent.co.uk


Manchester Student Village (MSV) is a freehold property located at Lower Chatham Street, Manchester, M1 5SX, United Kingdom. MSV has a current capacity of 1,003 beds, arranged predominately as 3 and 4 cluster bedrooms with shared kitchen and bathroom facilities. MSV enjoys high historical occupancy rates due to its close proximity to (i) both the University of Manchester and Manchester Metropolitan University campuses and (ii) Manchester City Centre.